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Paper presentation/invited talk schedule ( Micro2019)

Notice: Paper presentators are requested to bring 3 print copies of their paper which will be given to Experts for checking at the time of presentation. 

Technical sessions, Micro-2019, 6th -7th July, 2019.

  9:00 - 9:30 Registration, (name entry):



10:00- 12:00 : Inaugural Session,  venue: Amity University

12:00-12:15PM  Tea Break                          and                     PHOTO SESSION


  1. Technical Session:  6/07/2019, 12:15-2:00PM:  Venue: Seminar Hall, Amity University

Nano-structures and Nanomaterials


Invited  Talk: (12:15-1:30PM): Prof. T K Bhattacharya, IIT, Kharagpur


                                                                           Paper Presentation ID:    21, 32, 37, 55

Session Chairs:

Dr. Rudra Sankar Dhar, HoD Dept. of ECE,  NIT Mizoram,

Dr. Moumita Mukherjee , M.Tech, Ph.D, Associate Dean, Adamas University

Dr. Birajashis Pattnaik, Organizing Chair, Micro2019, Director,  ASETK, Amity University, Kolkata


                       LUNCH BREAK : 1:30  -  2:30 PM  :            Venue: Canteen, Amity University


 2. Technical Session :  (06/07/2019,  2:30-4:30PM):    Venue:  Seminar Hall,  , Amity University

Microelectronics, Circuit design, testing and  Simulation:


Invited Talk by: (2:30-3:15PM):  Dr. Sushanta Pal, Scientific Officer, Grade H+, Atomic Energy.

                                                                       Paper Presentation ID:  14, 38, 47

Session Chairman:

Prof. Abhijit Biswas, Professor, Radio Physics & Electronics, University of Calcutta.

Dr. Raghvendra Sahai Saxena, Scientist-F, DRDO, Delhi, India.

Dr. Kunal Das, Narula Institute of Technology, Kolkata.



                TEA BREAK :   4:00PM - 4:15PM


 3.  Technical Session :  (06/07/2019,  4:15- 6:00PM)   :  Venue: Seminar Hall, Amity University.

Silicon and III-V Technology, CMOS scaling


Invited Talk: Dr. Rudra Sankar Dhar, HoD Dept. of ECE,  NIT Mizoram,

                                                                    Paper Presentation ID:   24, 6, 17, 46, 27


Session Chairs:

Prof. Singam Jayanthu, Professor, NIT, Rourkela, Odisha.

Dr. Debashis De, Professor, MAKAUT, West Bengal, India

Dr. Raghvendra Sahai Saxena, Scientist-F, DRDO, Delhi, India.


                                                                        END OF  1st DAY PROGRAM



 4.   Technical Session:  (07/07/2019, 9:30-12:00PM):        Venue: Seminar Hall,  Amity University.

   Nanostructure and VLSI

Technical Talk(11:00-11:45): Dr. Raghvendra Sahai Saxena, Scientist-F, DRDO, Delhi, India.


                                                                         Paper Presentation ID:   25, 7, 12, 40, 33

Session Chairman:

Prof. Abhijit Biswas, Professor, Radio Physics & Electronics, University of Calcutta.

Dr. Moumita Mukherjee, Associate Dean, Adamas University, Kolkata, West Bengal, India.

Dr. Birajashis Pattnaik, Organizing Chair, Micro2019, Director,  ASETK, Amity University


                              TEA BREAK:  in front of Seminar Hall, 


 5.  Technical Session:  (07/07/2019, 12:00-01:30PM) :   Venue: Seminar Hall, Amity University, 

Wireless Technologies:


Invited Talk(12:00-12:30PM):Prof. Debashis De, Professor,Maulana Abul Kalam Azad University of  Technology, West Bengal

                                                          Paper Presentation ID:   2, 10,  11, 41, 34, 58

Session Chairs:

Prof. Singam Jayanthu, Program Chair, Micro2019, Professor, NIT, Rourkela

Prof. Md. Kamrul Alam Khan, Professor, Department of Physics, Jagannath University, Dhaka, BD.

Prof. Debashis De, Co-Chair, Micro2019, and Professor, MAKAUT, West Bengal.

Goutam Kumar Maity, Pingla Thana Mahavidyalaya, Maligram, Paschim Medinipur, West Bengal


07/07/2019:               1:30-2:30        Lunch,          Venue: Canteen, Amity  University  


 Poster Presentation: at lobby:                               Paper IDs:      8, 49, 31

                                            Session Chairs: Dr. Kunal Das, Prof. Avijit Das, Dr. Pushan Dutta


 6.   Technical Session:  (07/07/2019, 2:30 - 4:00PM)         Venue: Seminar Hall, Amity University

Micro-lens, Micro-mirror, Optical Switch


Technical Talk(2:30pm-3:00PM): .....

                                           Paper Presentation IDs =   29, 44, 16, 54, 56, 60, 61, 63

Session Chairs:

Prof. Maitreyi Ray Kanjilal,  Principal, Narula Inst. Of Technology, Kolkata

Dr.  Ankur Ganguly, Principal, Techno International Batanagar, Kolkata, West Bengal

Dr. Raghvendra Sahai Saxena, Scientist-F, DRDO, Delhi, India.


 7.   Technical Session:  ( 07/07/2019, 4:00-5:00pm)  : Venue: Seminar Hall, Amity University


System Design, Testing and Image Processing:


Invited Talk: Prof. S Jayanthu, Professor, NIT, Rourkela, Odisha.                                                                                

                                                                            Paper presentation IDs:  15, 23, 43, 26

Session Chairs:

Dr. Abhishek Das, HOD, CSE, Aliah University, New Town, Kolkata

Prof. Dulal Acharjee, Chairman, Micro2019, Director, ACT, Kolkata.

Dr. Rudra Sankar Dhar, Assistant Professor and HoD Dept. of ECE,  NIT Mizoram,



8. Technical Session:   (07/07/2019, 2:30- 4:00PM),  Room No:  202,  Amity University

Wireless and System Design


                                                                  Paper Presentaion IDs: 13, 22, 49, 35, 42, 45

Session Chairs:

Dr. Neeraj Sharma, Convenor, Micro2019 and Professor and HOD, CSE, Amity University, Kolkata.

Dr.Rajesh Dey, Brainware University

Dr. Abhishek Das, HOD, CSE, Aliah University

Dr. Rudra Sankar Dhar, HoD  of ECE,  NIT Mizoram


9.  Technical Session :  (07/07/2019, 4:00-5:00),        Room No:    202,  Amity University.

(A  Mixed Session of Presentation)


                                                                     Paper IDs:  31, 8, 53, 52, 59, 62

Session Chairs:

Dr. S. S. Thakur, HOD, CSE, MCKV Inst. of Engineering, Howrah, W.B.

Dr. Jaya Bandyopadhyay, Dept. of Biotechnology, MAKAUT, West Bengal, India.

Dr. Rajesh Dey, Brainware University, Barasat, Kolkata.


07/07/2019: Time:  5:00- 6:00PM:   VALEDICTORY SESSION 

08/07/2019  Time  7:00AM to 6PM: Tour program to Digha Sea Beach, West Bengal and site seen


                    END of Conference



** For poster presentation authors should prepare main diagrams, abstract, results in small Flex (size

as large Art board, or as you like, you can paste important portion on a Art board or make flex)

N.B.   schedule of other papers will be included soon. It is a draft copy. For request of any changes you may contact to Prof. Dulal Acharjee, Mobile: 8420120380




ESDA2018: some delegates in 1st international conference on 'Energy Systems, Drives and Automations', on 29th December 2018, at Science City, Kolkata, W.B. India.

Vedio of Nobel Prize Given Ceremony of Blue LED light invention:


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