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Nano-structures and materials, Silicon and III-V Technology, CMOS scaling Issues

Photolithography and Nanofabrication

Electron Devices, Analog/ RF and Logic Circuit Design, VLSI Circuit and System Design

Silicon and III-V Photonics, Micro-lens, Micro-mirror, Optical Switch, Microelectronics in Healthcare,Micro- and Nano-Electro Mechanical Systems, Sensor Design and Its Application .


System Design, Built-In Self-Test (BIST)

Artificial Intelligence

Applications in mobile phone

Computer Based Learning

Computer Supported Cooperative Work

Information and Communication Technology

Information Retrieval & Sensor Network

Computer Networking and Security

Mobile Communication and Computing

Intelligent Methods and Techniques

Wireless Communication and Coding

Multimodal Interactions 


Modelling and Simulation

Soft Computing and Applications

Visual Programming & Graphics

Bio-Medical Instruments

Digital Signal Processing

Speech Recognition

Man-Machine Interface Design

System Design and Architecture

Education and Technologies

Virtual Laboratory

Fault Detection, Isolation and Recovery 

 Medical equipment design and Testing, Cloud computing, Big Data storage technology & networks

Photonics & Semiconductor Technology, Software Engineering, Digital Signal Processing.


Registration Fee: Rs.3000/-

Students of B.Tech, BCA, B.Sc., MCA or equivalents can submit a paper of 2 pages. 

They can present and attain for one day. 

Limited facility will be provided. Their papers

will be published in proceeding book for Juniors.

Link of past conferences:



We offer different Awards within the paper presentators. Three experts give marks at the time of presentation based on Technical novelty, presentation quality and results of the paper :

1. Best Paper Awards

      a. First Prize 

      b. Second Prize

2. Bidyasagar Award for Professors/ Scientists.

Tour Program To Puri Sea Beach

After completion of two days conference, on 21st May, a tour program will be organized to visit Puri Sea Beach and Jagannath Temple. It is optional program, you may or not participate in this program. It will be by self expenditure.

On 21st morning, tour bus will be hired, goto Puri Sea Beach, Tiffin-Lunch will be there at Puri, we shall visit many tour spots and within 6PM our car will reach at Bhubaneswar Train station.

Details of Tour program will be given here soon.

Micro2017- Dr. Suchismita Tewari, Asst.Professor of

Calcutta University receiving 1st Prize of Paper presentation  from Prof. R. K. Varshney of IIT Delhi.

Paper Uploading/Submission site is:

IMPORTANT DATES:                                        

Last date of Paper submission: 05/05/2018            Venue of Conference:

 Hotel The New Marrion

 6, Janapath, Bhubaneswar-751001, Odisha

 (near Railway Station)

Registration Fees:

Faculty & Ph.D Students:  Rs.7500/-

Other Students: Rs.6500/-

Industry delegate: Rs.7500/-   

Listener fee(two days):  Rs.5000/-

Listener fee((one day): Rs.3000/-

for Foreign Author/Delegate: $200  (USD) 

(for registered foreign delegates, accommodation for maximum two nights will be provided by us.)

(For non-student delegates of India, if you seek accommodation through us, extra Rs. 650/- per night will be added with registration fee). 

(N.B. conference committee has all rights to change, edit and modify any  options of conference. Registration fee mentioned is for one delegate only.

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Correspondence address:

1. Prof. Abhijit Biswas


Radio Physics & Electronics

University of Calcutta,  and

General Chair, Micro2018,


2. Prof. Singam Jayanthu


NIT, Rourkela,Odisha,and

Co-Chair, Micro2018


Contact for Tutorials/Technical Talk/Session Chair:


3. Prof. Dulal Acharjee

Chairman, Micro2018, and

President, IASTM, Kolkata, India.


Mob: 8420582707, 8240120380


Best Paper Award(CCSN2017):

Best paper awards(1st and 2nd) of CCSN2017 were given

to :

CCSN 2017: (1st Prize) is given to 

Dr. Reshmi Maity of Mizoram University (a Central University).

CCSN 2017: (2nd Prize) is given to  Ms. Paramita

Sarkar, dept. of ECE, NIT, Silchar, Assam, India.


Conference Proceeding book will be published  with ISBN numbers and  extended versions of presented papers will be invited for forwarding for publication to any of the International Journal:                 

  1. Microsystem Technologies, Springer pub. Publications(SCI indexed, special issue of this journal will be published with some good papers of Micro2018).

  2. Journal of Computer and Electrical Engineering(Elsevier, SCI indexed)

  3. Journal of Information Science &Engineering(SCI-extended indexed)

  4. Journal on Electronics Engineering(UGC recognized)

CALL FOR PAPERS(Micro-2018): 

The 5th International Conference on Microelectronics, Circuits and Systems (Micro2018) will be held in Bhubaneswar, Odisha, India, during 19th and 20th of May, 2018. The conference will be organized with collaboration of many local, regional and international technical institutes, associations and industries. It aims to provide an excellent platform for exchange of thoughts between researchers interested broadly in the area of Micro and Nano electronics and system designs. We solicit original research and technical papers/ reports/survey papers/project reports etc. not published elsewhere and similarity index must be less than 20%. Paper size should be of A4 size and of maximum six pages. Paper Template and other documents are available in this link:

Micro2017- Dr. Koushik Guha, Asst.Professor of

NIT, Silchar, Assam, is receiving 2nd Prize of Paper presentation  from Prof. R. K. Varshney of IIT Delhi.

CCSN2017:Inaugural Session at Hotel The Lalit(Great Eastern), Kolkata, India: from right: Prof.S.P.Maity of IIEST of Shibpur, Howrah, Prof.Dulal Acharjee, Chairman of CCSN2017, Prof.J K Mandal of Kalyani University. Prof. Ajoy Kumar Ray, Director of Indian Institute of Engineering Science and Technology, Shibpur Howrah, West Bengal, Prof.B.P Sinha , retired Professor of ISI Kolkata, Prof.Kamrul Alam Khan of Bangladesh, Prof.Debashis De of MAKAUT West Benagal and Prof. Prabir Saha of NIT Meghalaya.

CCSN2016: Audiences at Hotel Golden Parkk, Kolkata, India.

Vedio of Nobel Prize Given Ceremony of Blue LED light invention:

Song by Anima Goswami (Bangladesh)


Advertisement Zone:

You can advertise here- your published book/magazige/journal


                       Contact: 8420582707, 8240120380 


1. We provide guidance to student projects for school/college/University students. 

2. If you want to organize Seminar/workshop

/Conference in your Institute, we provide A-Z


  Contact: 8420582707, 8240120380

Applied Computer Technology, Kolkata. 

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