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Technical Session- I : (19/05/2018,   10:00 - 11:00AM)   : Venue:  Hotel The New Marrion, Bhubaneswar  

Modeling and Simulation:


Session Chair:  Dr. Tapas Patra, Asso.Prof., CET, Bhubaneswar


Paper Presentation ID:  16,  14, 40,  22, 58

Judges: Dr. Suchismita Tewari,        Dr. Tapas Patra    ,   Prof. Jibitesh Mishra


11:00- 12:00pm: Inaugural Session , venue: Hotel The New Marrion, Bhubaneswar


12:00-12:30AM  Tea Break        and         PHOTO SESSION


Technical Session II:  19/05/2018, 12:30-2:00PM  :  Venue: Hotel The New Marrion, Bhubaneswar

Nano-structures and Nanomaterials


Invited  Talk :  Prof. Gana Pati Panda, IIT, Bhubaneswar

Session Chairman:  Dr. Aminul Islam, BIT, Mesra

             Paper Presentation ID:  19,  9,  42,  39,  30, 51, 55

Judges:  Prof. Abhijit Biswas,   Dr. Aminul Islam,     Dr. Chandrabhanu Mishra


 LUNCH BREAK : 1:30  -  2:30 PM  : Venue: Hotel The New Marrion, Bhubaneswar


Technical Session III: (19/05/2018,  2:30-4:30PM) : Venue: Hotel The New Marrion, Bhubaneswar

Circuit design, testing and  Simulation:


Invited Talk by:  Prof. Abhijit Biswas, University of Calcutta

Chairman: Prof. S. Jayanthu, NIT, Rourkela, Odisha.

        Paper Presentation ID:  17,  31,  41 ,  29, 45, 56

Judges: Dr. Aminul Islam, Dr. Tapas Patra ,  Dr. Chandrabhanu Mishra


                TEA BREAK :  4:30- 5:00


Technical Session IV:  (19/05/2018,  4:30- 6:00PM)        :    Venue: Hotel The New Marrion, Bhubaneswar

Wireless communication, Cloud computing and IoT

4: 30- 4: 45: Quiz Test on 'Research Methodology' (multiple choice based question,

Tick mark to be given, 10 questions , total marks= 10*10=100, attractive prizes will

be given to 1st and 2nd winners) , conducted by: Prof. Dulal Acharjee

Talk by: S. Jayanthu, NIT, Rourkela, Odisah


Session Chairman: Dr. Jibitesh Mishra, CET, Bhubaneswar

              Paper Presentation ID:  49,  4, 23,  52


Judges: Prof. Dulal Acharjee, Dr. Jibitesh Mishra, Prof. Kamrul Alam Khan (Bangladesh)


                                       END OF  1st DAY PROGRAM



Technical Session-V (20/05/2018, 9:30-12:00PM):   Venue: Hotel The New Marrion, Bhubaneswar

BioTechnology and Optoelectronics


Technical Talk: Dr. Aminul Islam, BIT, Mesra, Jharkhand


Session Chairman:  Prof. Abhijit Biswas, University of Calcutta.


Paper Presentation ID:   20,  36,  25,  47,  5, 57


Judges: Dr. Chandrabhanu Mishra, Dr. Tapas Patra  ,Dr. Moumita Mukherjee



                              TEA BREAK :  11:30  -  12:00


Technical Session- VI  (20/05/2018, 12:00-01:30PM)        Venue: Hotel The New Marrion, Bhubaneswar

Silicon and III-V Technology, CMOS scaling

Talk by:( 12:00- 12:30):  Prof. S. Jayanthu, Professor, NIT, Rourkela, Odisha.


Session Chair: Prof.Kamrul Alam Khan, Jagannath University, Dhaka, Bangladesh.


 Paper Presentation ID:  43,  10,  35,  53, 48, 54


Judges: Dr.Manisha Guduri   ,    Dr. Gautam Maity , Dr. Tapas Patra  ,



20/05/2018:      1:30-2:30 Lunch, Venue: Hotel The New Marrion, Bhubaneswar

              Poster Presentation: at lobby: IDs:   32, 33,  60


                                                  Judges: Dr. Kunal Das, Dr. Manisha Guduri, Dr. R. Raja


Technical Session- VI I (20/05/2018, 2:00-3:30PM)         Venue: Hotel The New Marrion, Bhubaneswar

Micro-lens, Micro-mirror, Optical Switch


Technical Talk: Dr. Moumita Mukherjee, Dean, Adamas University, Kolkata.

Session Chair: Prof. Abhijit Biswas, Professor, University of Calcutta.

Co-Chair: Prof. Jibitesh Mishra, CET, Bhubaneswar.

      Paper Presentation IDs =   38,  24,  27,  40, 28, 34, 62, 15

Judges: Dr. Chandrabhanu Mishra,    Dr. Tapas Patra  ,  Prof. Abhijit Biswas


Technical Session:-VIII( 20/05/2018, 3:30-5:00pm)  : Venue: Hotel The New Marrion, Bhubaneswar

“Mobile Computing, Security and Coding”


Talk By:

Session Chair:       Prof. S. Jayanthu, NIT, Rourkela, Odisha.                                                  

Co-Chair: Dr. Gautam Maity

Paper presentation IDs:  6,  12, 37, 46, 59, 63

Judges: Prof. Jibitesh Mishra, Prof. Dulal Acharjee,  Dr. Moumita Mukherjee



20/05/2018: Time:  5:00- 6:00PM:   VALEDICTORY SESSION 


Chief Guest:

Anchor of Program:

Guests on Dais:

Declaration of Best Paper Awards(1st, 2nd)


                                               *** END OF CONFERENCE******


21/05/2018  Time  9:00AM to 5PM: Tour program to Puri Sea Beach, and site seen

At 5:00 pm tour Bus will reach at Railway station and program will end.


********************END of Program*******

Notice Bord

** All registered authors have to send  filled copyright form within 12th May to,  if you fail to send copy right form timely, we will be unable to print your paper in proceeding book.


1. Paper Submission date is CLOSED

* A tour program will be organized after completion of conference. on 21st morning, we shall go to

Puri Sea Beach and will visit many locations. From Bhubaneswar it is one hour journey. By TATA SUMO or traveller Bus we shall go to Sea Beach, visit different places and within 6PM we shall reach Puri Train Station that delegates can go to their destinations. This tour is optional and participants will bear expenditure( cost per person will be informed later), you should book train/air ticket accordingly.  




* if any registered author  can't attain Micro2018, any co-author  of that paper can present paper in place of registered author. In that case, they should inform us. In that case certificate will be issued by name of registered author and for Presentator both. For Co-authors certificate they should pay Rs.200/- extra.

Copy Right:  For Publishing registered papers of Micro2018 in proceeding book hardcopy also as softcopy, we need copy right declaration from authors. A soft copy of copyright form is stored in our Google Drive at this link: click here and download the form , read carefully, fill it and send PDF to

Link to download copyright form is:



1. Conference dates are 19th and 20th of May. It is hot season in Bhubaneswar. Details of Venue will be notified later in this page..


2. For Oral presentation, PPT prepared in Microsoft Powerpoint should be sent within 17th May to our email address:,  file name should be given as   example : 

       05-Mrinal-IITDelhi.ppt  where first two digit is your paper ID, then firstname, then short form of your institute name.

You should have also PDF of PPT file, and save PPT to different source like pendrive, googledrive/email that if any source is damaged, you can continue from other sources.

3. If  any delegate does not present in scheduled session, it will be considered as absent or in last session (7th session) he/she may( or may not) get chance to present.



Technical Program. Paper Presentation:



N.B. we have done some changes after receiving requests.

Vedio of Nobel Prize Given Ceremony of Blue LED light invention:


Song by Anima Goswami (Bangladesh)


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  Contact: 8420582707, 8240120380

Applied Computer Technology, Kolkata. 


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